18 August 2020
Doesn’t Julia look splendid? To keep you and all our users safe, the following is in place:
- Booking slots of 45 minutes for two bubble / support groups each hour. This helps with social distancing, Test and Trace and cleaning of touchpoints between each hour we’re open.
- Sanitiser stations around the Museum: outside, Gallery 1, cafe, Gallery 2, toilets.
- Dedicated visitor only toilet, with sanitising materials available for visitors PLUS cleaning after each hour.
- One-way visitor system around the Museum.
- Mask-wearing inside the Museum
- Sneeze screens at reception and cafe
- Good to Go / Barod Amdani certificate holders
To help us, we ask you to please:
- Keep a 2-metre distance from anyone else in the Museum not in your visiting group
- Bring masks, gloves and sanitiser for your Museum visit
- To pay by contactless payments where you can
- Take any further safety advice from our wonderful Front of House Hostess, Julia.
Want more safety information? See below for our Visitor Terms and Conditions.
For entry to the Andrew Logan Museum of Sculpture (ALMoS)
Extracts from: Covid-19 Amendment to Health and Safety Policy
- Statement of Principal
- In accordance with our overall Health and Safety Policy to providing and maintaining safe, healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all employees, volunteers, trainers, contractors, sub-contractors and visitors, this amendment sets out our measures to operate safely with Covid-19 present in the population.
- This Covid-19 amendment will be updated as further information and advice becomes apparent through government and industry sources.
- This amendment deals with our intentions towards and responsibilities and procedures under current Covid-19 circumstances, as per the most recent date of this signed document and will be reviewed regularly.
- Responsibilities and procedures
- Appropriate signage will be placed in the following areas: at workstations; at Museum entrance and freely around Museum displays; in Museum toilets.
- Disposal of one-time-wear masks and gloves: should be carried out immediately after use and in a double-bagged bin with a foot-pedal and lid, using the foot-pedal to raise and lower lid. This is in the kitchen in the Museum.
- Handwashing: should be the recommended at least 20 seconds handwash. Sing Happy Birthday twice and clean between fingers, wrists and thumbs carefully.
- Visitors – general Health and Safety
- Do not go behind exhibits
- You may touch exhibits, but remember it is broken glass, and under Covid-19 restrictions, you must now wear sanitised gloves
- Beware of trip hazards on exhibits – if you are walking around looking up, don’t! Stop and look around.
- Do not touch the water in the Lulu Fountain, it is not treated
- Please keep an eye on children and their care of exhibits
- Well behaved dogs on leads are welcome
- In event of fire, please be directed by Front of House to your nearest Fire Exit (Front Door, Café Fire Exit and Service Corridor)
- Visitors – general Health and Safety
Covid-19 mitigations and responsibilities
- Plexi-glass screens will be installed at reception and the café. A booking system will be undertaken, combining our website and a telephone system.
- No more than two bubble groups will be allowed in the Museum at any one time – the booking system will facilitate this, and this will enable social distancing.
- Where visitors turn up on spec, they will be advised of the above by FoH. If possible, they will be allowed entry. If not possible, they will asked to wait and given the next available timeslot
- Car-parking will be defined as two spaces for one car, to allow for safe distancing
- A notice will be placed on the entrance door, advising visitors of their co-operation to keep everyone safe; their use of masks, hand-gel, handwashing and bathroom facilities
- The Museum’s two public toilets will be sign-posted as one strictly for visitors, and one strictly for staff
- Multi-use tour guide handouts will not be used. We hope to provide wall, app-based and takeaway printed interpretation
- The café will be open, operating under Government guidance and within our capacity, ensuring safety
Visitors will: | Use our booking system for admissions, which will detail timeslot |
Encouraged to maintain the first hour of admissions for vulnerable and 65+ groups | |
Adhere to 2-metre distance rule for those not in their bubble group | |
Use provided sanitiser hand gel on arrival in Museum | |
Use provided sanitiser hand gel on departure from Museum | |
Wear masks inside the Museum, unless drinking or eating | |
Wear sanitised gloves when touching exhibits | |
Advise FoH of use of bathroom | |
Encouraged to pay by contactless card payment | |
Give contact details to be on record for 21 days following their visit to allow for Test and Trace | |
FoH / cleaning will: | Advise of our measures, ensure these are undertaken, requesting assistance from other, locally based staff or the police in aggressive circumstances |
Provide sanitising materials for visitors own use in toilets | |
Sanitise bathrooms and ALL handles on departure of visitors (touchpoint sanitising), posting a notice and locking the main door if required | |
Wear gloves and a mask at all times when away from workstation during opening times |
- Enhanced cleaning
- A thorough deep-clean will be carried out before any opening to the public, paying particular attention to all touch-points, as well as touch-point sanitising after each visitor departure
- During a ‘regular’ Museum week, it is likely 1 – 2 staff members will be in the Museum. On that basis, touchpoint and deep cleaning will be carried out regularly each Thursday by the cleaner. Staff will be expected to sanitise as described at 2.3 (in full policy amendment).
- Toilet cleaning should be carried out with the cleaner wearing appropriate PPE: gloves; mask; apron and these disposed of as at 2.5 (in full policy amendment).
- Reporting: any incident of Covid-19 being reported to the Museum of anyone who has been in the Museum should be treated as RIDDOR and procedures followed thus.
- Illness: Any staff member, contractor or visitor on-site who is suffering Covid-19 symptoms should immediately return home and self-isolate.
- Review date
Current Covid-19 amendment to Health & Safety Policy: Compiled April 2020
Reviewed by: Museum Manager and Chair
Approved by: Trustees in writing, signed as below
Last date reviewed: Monday 10 August 2020
Next review date: Thursday 3 September 2020
- For further information
Please contact the Andrew Logan Museum of Sculpture on 01686 640 689 or [email protected]
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